"What I found was astonishing and I was even more convinced that this
was an article well worth writing" http://goodadviceguru.blogspot.com/search/label/Eminem
Every day there is a new story or media buzz about rappers who get themselves into trouble. Some are arrested for alleged drug charges, some for violence, others for weapons, you name it the list goes on and on. Even more so many rappers are consistently criticized for their offensive use of profanities as well as extensive sexual content in their lyrics. While some of this information is in fact the truth and by no means are we giving rappers a free pass when it comes to breaking the law, we can however, try a glass is half full approach when it comes to writing and media attention about this particular group of artists.
I must admit when I approached some of my readers and filled them in on my plans of writing a piece about taking advice from rappers, I definitely had a mixture of reactions stemming from the tumultuous reputation most rappers have been given. None-the-less I decided to go forth researching in hopes to prove the regular readers wrong.
My first attempt at googling the many more popular rap artists was mediocre at best. What I found was exactly what I had been warned against. It was almost as if I was googling groups of ex and present convicts. That, along with a buffet of "do-gooder" groups who proactively attack rap artists for profanities and use of violence in their lyrics. But now I was more determined then ever to dig for even just one rap artist who uses his fame and fortune for good.
What I found astounded me and I was even more convinced that this was an article well worth writing. Most rap artist have their own web sites for all to visit. Most are filled with famous lyrics bios, down loads, and tour dates by the thousands.. There is also a media frenzy of articles written on rappers. The content is exactly what you would expect it to be. Thousands of articles attacking the rappers about everything from law breaking to jail time to bad behavior. But few are filled with facts about the good deeds these artists have accomplished. As I changed my approach and began to research a few foundations and charity functions I found famous rappers of many who donate millions of their own money and time whole heartedly to those in need.
Rapper Lil John who appeared on "Celebrity Apprentice" raised over $80,000 for his favorite charity "United Methodist Children's home" He was quoted saying "I"m rarely speechless, but I'm totally speechless today" when asked to speak about the money he raised. He also said "The goal was to raise awareness to this children's home, through the show ( Celebrity Apprentice) a lot of people got to learn about this home. Through the show, more people said they'll make more donations. I'm happy with that." Lil John was actually upset because his original goal of $100,000 was not met. That's says a great deal of good about the rap star. Lil John also released a song "Stand in the storm" with three of his co stars from the show, and all proceeds go toward the charity as well. You can read about the charity on his web site JohnJohnSAID IT.com.
Other popular rappers such as Eminem, Cee Lo Green, Rhianna, and Nicki Minaj raised $5 million to help the victims of Japan due to the devastating earthquake/tsunami that hit them in March of this year. They released a CD called "Songs for Japan" on April 4rth. Other groups like Black Eyed Peas, U2, Justin Bieber and Elton John contributed songs as well.
Eminem has been known for his work in many charities. He and Justin Timberlake were among many artists who's efforts helped the disaster victims of Joplin, Missouri when a swarm of tornado's destroyed hundreds of homes, buildings and killed over 150 people. Eminemm and Justin Timberlake also stripped down for a Cosmopolitan shoot that raised awareness for testicular cancer.
While rapper TI and his wife Tameka "Tiny" Cottle have had their share of negative press the two also found time to host a luncheon called "For the Love of Our Fathers" to raise awareness and money for Alzheimer's. (a charity near and dear to the couple) Both TI and "Tiny" have relatives who have since passed on from Alzheimer's.
Rappers like "Tyga", Ciara, Nicki Minaj, and Chris Brown have released free Cd's and performed at charity concerts to raise money for various foundations worthy of their attention. Tyga and Chris Brown performed at the Virgina Stand Up event that raised money for the victims of Haiti as well.
Another popular artist Common started a foundation called "The Common ground Foundation". The charity raises money to help instill leadership qualities in our less advantaged youths. The rapper/musician/poet believes whole heartedly that all children should have empowering qualities.
This article can go on for pages listing the many good deeds, donating and volunteering that rappers have done in the past. We haven't even touched the tip of what these artists have done in our communities, for our less advantaged youth and for many millions of needy and deserving charities. True, it is easier to believe the bad press and one dimensional view of the press. As a society we simply love the stories that focus and dwell on the negatives. My advice goes out to the media and to the press. Maybe if we took a tad bit of time to research the rappers and for that matter all other artists as well, we would find that although negative press seems to sell slightly better, it is also important to treat others the way we would like to be treated. If someone spends the time to give back to a community or raise millions for those in need, perhaps it is well worth writing about. ... Thumbs Down for those who only report the raunchy negatives.... SNAPS for the rappers who have given of their fame and fortune to help others!
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