Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Jenn is a great friend of mine who has a husband who is a control freak. Jenn is the epitome of lovely , intelligent, and sweet as chocolate pie. She is the kind of person who goes out of her way to help a friend and goes even further to please her family.
While being a mother and wife some may thing she sits at home and eats bon bons all day living off her husbands money. This couldn't be further from the truth. She spends countless hours cleaning and organizing the house so when her husband comes home there's not a crumb on the floor nor a speck of dust on the furniture. She browses cookbooks and Internet cooking sites daily to find practically perfect dishes to prepare for dinner and regularly prepares a decadent dessert with her extra extraordinary meals to delight her husbands unique and well fed taste buds. Ladies, I do not lie when I say this woman puts Donna Reed to shame and makes Mrs Brady look like the Octo mom.
That being said, the unfortunate part is that her husband seems unfazed and surprisingly unimpressed with her continuous efforts to please him. He rarely compliments her creative cooking attempts and often boasts fun at them leaving her feeling embarrassed and utterly unappreciated. Yet even though she never seems to get the raving reaction she's so yearning  for she continues cooking and cleaning hoping next time he will give her the love affection and proper praise she so clearly deserves.

My humble advice to you my dearest friend is to please tell this man exactly how you feel. I would never give the advice to anyone to walk out of a marriage based solely on the fact that one partner is under appreciated. Make no mistake there is no abuse going on here and Jenn's husband does provide plentifully for himself and his beautiful family. However is it really that much to ask for a little love, a simple smile or two and a smidgen of over due appreciation for a woman who obviously adores you? The answer; I think not!
Jenn you need to become slightly more assertive and stand up to your man loudly and proudly. Its time for the little voice inside you to come out and play and say "hey husband : look at me, look at me!"
You are a remarkable woman with so many beautiful gifts to offer. You go out of your way to please those you love especially the man of you dreams. There is no reason in the world he shouldn't go out of his way to return the favor. I truly believe when he finds out how your heart feels inside that he will man up, step up to the plate and become the home-run husband you have always known he could be. Good luck my beautiful friend.... My heart is with you always.

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