Friday, June 17, 2011

Measure a Mens Behavior/ How He Treats His Mother
Justin Timberlake with
his mom!
 Contrary to popular belief men are not all bad. Although it is easy to believe this fine fable. It's even easier to believe if you have just been through a bad break up or had your heart hurt by an insensitive malicious or mean man. When you are in your adolescences it is easy to look at the bad behavior of the boys your age and believe they will never grow up. They typically tease and taunt and though it may seem immature believe it or not this is typical behavior for teens at this age. Whether it seems true or not boys do eventually grow up and change however it may take some time before the teasing and taunting come anywhere close to an end.

Mama with her two beautiful boys
Is your man a "mamas boy"
 As boys become closer to the age of dating its important to remember that women ( or rather girls) will most likely mature much more rapidly then boys will. Girls in their teens typically try dating boys before they are necessarily ready. It might make boys slightly uncomfortable knowing that a girl he knows has feelings for him and truthfully he doesn't necessarily know how to act towards her. Hence, causing him to react immaturely and more often then not he has a tendency to turn her off. As he matures he begins to learn lessons on life and love from  his older brothers, his parents, his friends and eventually his bad behavior towards the opposite sex will discontinue. ( This takes longer for some then others)
As puberty comes to a close, time takes its tole and teens turn into men. They learn to act more appropriately and honorable towards a women. (some however never grow out of immaturity) Most men eventually learn how to love and respect a woman. The question remains though, How do you choose a man who is mature, respectful and will treat you the right way?
 Most men learn how to treat a woman by watching their parents as they grow up. If you truthfully want to measure how a man will treat you in time, watch how he treats his mother. If he treats his mother with dignity, love and respect, then grab a hold to him as quickly as possible. Chances are he will treat you with the same respect and love he treats her with. On the other hand if he has bad blow ups and cursing wars with Mama then run for the hills ladies hes most likely not the Casanova you thought he was. This rule of thumb certainly does NOT apply to all men. There are plenty of good guys who have been the product of failed family life. In the same respect some men who treat their mamas like royalty turn out to be big babies. For the most part though the rule does apply.

When you're looking for a "good man" stand back a bit and watch how he works. See if he puts his family (especially his mother) on a pedestal. Watch his behavior around his sister and/or his gal pals. If
 he tends to treat them truly
well then you can probably bet he will treat you even better. Try to remember that no man is perfect. They have flaws just as we all do. A terrific trick to getting a man to truly treat you right is to truly try to treat him that terrific way you'd like to be treated. Good Luck and let me know how it works out!

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