Actress Jennifer Aniston |
Ladies, here is a perfect example of a beautiful, successful, modern woman who is single and looking for her perfect match later in life. Take notes ladies. Just because you are over 40 and not married, does not by any means label you as old or unworthy or as my Italian grandmother would old "spinster". Jen was married to Brad Pitt for four years. She told the world she had believed she found her lover, better half and soal mate. Some how they didn't work out like she believed they would and fate stepped in. Although Jen has dated a few times since her days with Brad she just hasn't found that perfect man to make her feel complete. Somehow the tabloids and the syncs of the world then mock her and insist there is something wrong with her. She can't keep and man, shes to fussy, she's stuck up and to demanding. These are opinions of not those who know Jen well but instead people who simply love to point out negative untruths about famous celebrities to anyone that will listen and purchase their smutty magazines. While Jen continues to search for her "perfect mate" she has no choice but to catch a few fish and throw them back so to speak. But, just because she is over 40 and not someones wife as of yet it by no means labels her unattainable.
Jennifer Aniston is Simply Beautiful! |
Perfect Skin and Aging Flawlessly Jennifer Aniston |
Ladies let us learn a thing or two from Jens not so quick to "put a ring on it" attitude. So many celebrities and even non famous couples are quick to jump the gun and wed for all the wrong reasons. Women of today are liberal and successful. They find themselves first and build up great careers so they can come out standing on their own two feet. For some reason however, no matter how brilliant and strong willed and liberal and woman is, she finds herself over 40 in a frenzy because she hasn't found that perfect man to share her life with. Then in a panic she settles and marries the first Tom, Dick or Harry that shows an ounce of interest. This kind of frantic thinking can only end poorly and most likely with lawyers and divorce papers to boot.
Americas sweetheart is stunning at 40! |
Take a lesson from the fabulous, over forty, girl next door. She doesn't seek the worlds approval when it comes to love. Jen will eventually find her lover, better half and perfect soal mate. You can bet when she does it will be a match made in heaven and will be built to last the tests of time. We are rooting for you Jen. We wish you all the best in your quest for true love!
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